Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well, tomorrow is the first of March. I just realized I haven't posted here for some time. I've been busy trying to keep on top of things at home, get everyone fed morning and night, and trying not to make my back any more sore than it is already. Today I finally bought a tractor to make things a little easier in cleaning up around here. With winter's end approaching rapidly, there will be plenty to do with the animals. In the past I've done it all by hand with my daughter's help. This year hopefully the manual part of the labor won't be as much. Its a cute little Kubota, just my size with a bucket on the front and a snow blade. WooHoo. The chickens are getting big enough to butcher. Since I've got only two hens out of my remaining 11, I won't be sorry to see and hear those roosters go. They are so noisy and start crowing around 3am every morning. Between them, the coyotes that run past nightly and howl, my big pyr barking to warn them, and the wild turkeys that are now back, its a cacophony of sounds all night long. I finally found out where the moose were entering the property, its along the fence all the way in the back. Two very large trees came down on the fence and broke it in several places. How easy for them to just walk over the downed fence in the very deep snow and just keep going. I can't fix it yet as the snow is still too deep and the ground still to frozen. Welcome spring ... hurry hurry.