After sending the raw fiber to the mill for washing and cleaning, they do another service for me and make it into roving. Roving is so easy to use for just about anything. You can see from the brown roving it comes in a long thin strip rolled into the rolls like the white and black are still in.
After deciding on the colors, the roving is placed in the carder. It goes under the small cylinder on the left and as the handle goes around to make the large cylinder turn, is fed in between the two cylinders. It stays on the large cylinder due to tiny little 1/4" teeth and can be in any order of colors of you choosing.
Even though these colors seem very different, the carder makes them seamlessly blended into a pleasing tweed, heather or however you want your yarn to look. What I am making is called a 'batt'.
It just seems magical (to me) how beautiful it turns out. I personally love a textured yarn, one that can be woven with the interest in the yarn itself rather than a patterned weave. The white scarf I showed a couple months ago was a plain weave but the yarn was so interesting it won First Place at our north Idaho Fair.