The little starter pots I made last week are working perfectly and they were free! How great is that.
I just planted these little Basil seeds last weekend. They are lovin' the sunny window I put them in and showing their little heads already. I'm surprised. I didn't think they would take off so quickly. The little yellow pot is the basil. The green box (Tupperware) on the right contains around 8-10 different veggies.
I also planted lettuce, chard, spinach and radishes in the two little metal planters. They are in a sunny window downstairs in the kitchen. Its hard to find a place that the kitties don't have access to. We will see what happens to the little metal pots. And already Dexter has nearly ruined my only peonies bush in the yard.
I'd like to start planting in our garden but today its very windy and even starting snowing a little while I was working on the blog this morning.
I've hired someone to take out all the old raspberry plants and two worthless raised garden beds that were so full of grass and weeds there would have been no dirt left in them if I'd pulled out that stuff. He came back today to finish up and it started snowing / raining.
And let me tell you, it was COLD. But in north Idaho in the springtime, you get what you get, it changes every day sometimes every hour.
What's not to love?