One night last week we were trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. That's always hard for me. I think I need someone to come in every night and cook for me.
We decided to have one of my daughter's favorite dishes ... 'Musgo'. That means (according to her) to use everything in refrigerator that must go. So we ate up the rest of the salad makings, fried up the rest of the kale (yummy!) and made some angel hair pasta with the remaining myzithra cheese grated over the top. Wow. Delicious.
Here are some cute pix, the little bird is daughter's new baby parakeet. She has named it VanGogh. Because it is so colorful, I guess. She doesn't know if its a boy or girl, we will have to wait until its nare or nose, located just at the top of its beak, turns blue or brown. All babies under about six months old have a neutral or purple nose. Then boys are blue and girls are tan or brown. Easy.
And here is our little Angel. She is the little kitty I found in October 2009. She was in our pasture sitting in the center of a circle of alpacas with our Great Pyr, Dolly, carefully watching over her. Tiny, thin and scared to death. She looked like a fuzzy little tennis ball.
I brought her back to the house in my jacket and gave her to my daughter, who had just lost one of her favorite kitties. She was convinced the new kitten was sent by God and thus named her. Angel is Much fatter these days. :-)
I haven't been doing any fiber-y stuff these days. Just can't seem to get going on a project and certainly have not finished some I started previously. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. I have to really be in the mood. So these pix will just have to do for now. Enjoy!