Meet our new little baby boy! His name is 50/50 and is the twin brother of our little girl Comfort. She is so sweet and mellow but we think she has been lonely because she cries every time she sees us.
Our wonderful friends from Blacke KNYGHT Mews, the farm where we got her, visited the other day and agreed she needed a companion (playmate) so they offered her own brother. They have been so happy to be back together, we let them out of the big pen for the first time today since we got him and she ran all around the yard bouncing up and down trying to entice him to come and play with her. He finally got it! He took off after her (boing♪ boing♪ boing♪ ) so now she is showing him all the good places to eat weeds and check out other fun stuff like the doggie door we have to the front porch. So now he knows how to get to the front door for treats.
He has been banded so they won't be having any babies but they will be constant companions here. We will definitely not eat him. Like my friend told me, they don't name anyone they are planning on eating. That's what I always tell folks, we don't eat anyone we have named. Next spring we plan on breeding Comfort and do plan on eating some of the offspring. Please don't call them babies :-(
On another subject, check out these beautiful colors on some wool. In searching for something on-line the other day I came across the most interesting blog named Lil Fish Studios by Lisa Jordan in Brainerd MN. With her kind permission I have posted some pix she had on her blog about dyeing fiber. The blue at the top of the picture was dyed with black beans (believe it or not!) and the yellow has been dyed with that awful tansy we have so much of around here. The green is the combination of both these dyes.
For anyone interested her blog address is
Thanks Lisa!
I have been soaking black beans and tansy for a few days, we will see what I get. I used tap water which for us is well water. Sometimes with that type of water you don't always get what result you are looking for. I may have to try some bottled or filtered water.
As always, your blog entry is fascinating! I saw Val's video of your new tortilla-chip-eating goat - he's a beauty! :)
Winter approaches. I shouldn't be thinking about it...I should be living in the moment. Yet...I do.
I'll be interested to see how your bean and tansy dyes work!
Be well! Sue
Hi Sue. I have made the dye stock but it sure doesn't look like hers. She used alum as a mordant (makes the color stick to the fiber) and possibly that will change the color. You can change the colors by using different mordants such as copper, vinegar, iron and some other things that I wouldn't want to dump in our septic system or on the ground. Some are pretty toxic to the ecosystem. But alum is one of the easier ones. I will be sure and let you know with pix. Thanks, Sheryl
Well, I, for one, thank you for not dumping toxic stuff, even if it means the colors aren't as bright. Nature makes animals bright when they are poisonous...maybe she's trying to tell us something, eh? :)
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