The photo on the right was taken a couple of days later when the wind changed. The remarkable part is that Chelan is over 200 miles west of us.
This little video was taken last week. I went to check the goat's water bucket and had my iPhone with me. For once I remembered and got this little reminder of how cute they are.
The were grazing so peacefully, Bella and Jet were on the other side of the pasture under the big trees trying to stay cool (and it was still morning!). You can almost see them, over by the big blue barrel.
Then way over past the pasture is our house. We have a large burn pile just waiting for the fall rains to start. Also our garden of weeds we didn't do anything with this year. But wait until next year.
I think these goats have done a remarkable job in eating down all this stuff. They thrive on weeds, like a little grass in the mix but mostly the weeds is their favorite. The brown flat ground in the background is where they have eaten them all.
I would bring them over closer to our house but all they want to do is eat my flowers and shrubs, and get into the trash as well as mess up our wood we have stacked up in the carport. I just hate to throw a log on the fire that has 'goat berries' all over it.
And just a few more of our wildflowers. Aren't these pretty? I have no idea what they are or where they came from. Every year I dig them up and re-home them to a friend who loves this color orange. Every year she says they die. Seems they like it here, not there. I can't seem to do anything wrong. They don't even get water unless it rains.
But they are pretty.
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