Even with all the rainy days we've had this has been a beautiful summer. The hard rain at least a couple times every week has kept everywhere around here so green and beautiful. I've only had to water the front yard one time so far this summer. We feel very blessed to have this with the rest of the country in a terrible drought.
The weeds in our garden have outpaced the veggies growing there. Daughter has been out for the past 2-3 days pulling those pesky weeds. Since we've had so much rain she reports they are like butter to pull. Only problem is they are nearly knee-high. Rain one day, 90's the next couple, then more rain. Just the right combination for lots of growing.

We ate our very first yellow globe zucchini this week. She sliced it fairly thin and since we were eating lasagne that night pulled out the noodles and inserted the squash instead. It was delicious. I've used green zucchini before instead of noodles but this is our first taste of the yellow globes. So sweet.

My indigo plants are actually surviving and doing very well. No thanks to me I'm sure. My thumb continues to turn browner and browner any more. I put the pots out in the garden so they would get watered with the veggies. Seems to be a good solution. Those clay pots dry out very quickly.
We've only got blueberries on one plant again this year. I can't figure out what the problem is, but one bush is full, the rest don't have any. A neighbor said the strong winds we had at the beginning of summer blew all the blossoms off her blueberry plants. Same thing in the orchard, one apple tree has tons of apples, the rest are very sparse. We want to dry as many as we can for use later this winter so I guess we will have to be buying some at Costco.

Another fire just up the hill from us. Actually several fires on two different days. We had a very strong lightening and thunder show the night before with lightening strikes almost on the property. Fortunately it was wet and green enough that it didn't spread quickly. It is a good thing because the area is nearly inaccessible to the firetrucks. They finally had to call in the water-dropping helicopter from about 60 miles away. We've got a number of small lakes around here so there was no problem for them to find water to drop. Still a little scary as our farm is at the bottom of the hill where the fire started.

Just had to post one other picture ... I'd ordered some spinning supplies I found on Ebay. The seller is in India. When I got the package, I was surprised to see it was in a small plastic box wrapped with lots of bubble wrap and a handsewn cotton envelope. Can't imagine sending every item in anything handmade. Had to save that wrapping it was so unusual and beautiful in an old-fashioned way.
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