So I pulled out some cotton / rayon nubby yarn I bought several years ago from Catnip Yarns. They've got to have the most beautiful yarns made for dyeing. I seem to be in a white mood (maybe because of all our snow?) so probably won't dye any of this.
Wasn't sure at first it would be suitable for the weft, but after weaving a couple yards, I'm loving it! But I do hope it softens up after I wash and finish it. Here's a close up of that lumpy-bumpy weft.
If it doesn't get softer, maybe I will use it for a table runner. They can be approximately the same size, but not worried about it.
That leicester (lie-ster) longwool I spun and wove into a scarf was similar to burlap until I was told to Always wash and iron before making a judgment. And I really love it now.
The only problem is the lumps and bumps take up a lot of space on these little shuttle bobbins so I'm always jumping up to wind a few more. But that's ok, I really feel better if I move around a little when I'm weaving.
Our snow continues to fall and stay. This picture shows the accumulated snow off our roof in the front yard. I just hope it doesn't warm up too quickly and start to do a fast melt. We have had frozen water, otherwise known as ice :-) ... on our front porch clean up to the door. Not fun.