She promised to send me a picture of it when its finished. I bet it will be just beautiful!
No description needed of this picture. Notice the minus sign in front of the outside temp of -3°. Boy that hurts. The wind blew for several days very hard, 25-35 mph and with the temps below 0. You sure didn't want to spend much time outside. Even our goats and chickens declined to step foot out of their pens.
It was so cold and windy one night we put on our head lamps, big coats and boots and hiked up to the goat pen to close them in for the night. Usually their door is open and they can come and go as they please.
We did hang a curtain of large, heavy plastic strips to shield them from the rain and snow when they are inside. I know you have seen those things in grocery stores and loading areas, where the strips keep the outside cold from the interior of the store.
Farmers and stock men use them to keep their hay dry or keep the animals free from drafts. They work great!

But she's a sweetie and I guess she's guarding me. Every step I take she is right there. If I go out the door, she's in front of me every step of the way. Nice, but hard walkin'.
Christmas is only ten days away now and I'm just starting my shopping. For some reason it just got away from me this year. I cannot understand how we could have one less week between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.
I probably won't be posting until next year (lol) so everyone have a wonderful and Merry Christmas remembering the real reason for the event of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He's coming back very soon now and we will be joined with Him forever.
Merry Christmas everyone.
We are having that negative weather temps with wind chill now. I haven't been outside for a couple weeks now. I probably won't go out until March. It's tough enough walking with forearm crutches - in snow, with wind, and the metal of the crutches freezing? Yea, not fun. Falling is a very real possibility.
Anyway, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both, also!
'I finally finished the alpaca yarn for my sister's friend. It turned out so soft and has a nice hand to it. It was put in the mail and shipped to her last week or so. According to her, it did match the original yarn (thank goodness!) so now she can finish her sweater.
She promised to send me a picture of it when its finished. I bet it will be just beautiful!'
Oh My goodness. I just met your sister's friend at a volleyball tournament today. I didn't get her name or information but she was just lovely. I was knitting and she came over and we started talking about our projects, knitting at tournaments etc. She showed me her beautifully soft yarn and gave me the name of your farm. Oh my goodness, alpaca is my favorite to knit with and your yarn is so beautiful.
Please let me know how I can order your beautiful yarns. I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet your sister's friend and discover your amazing yarn. If you would, please pass my email on to her. Thank you!
Tara, how exciting you were able to meet Julie! I've not met her in person but she sounds very nice. We've only emailed.
Thank you for liking my / her yarn. It was very exciting that the new yarn matched so well. I'm anxious to see her sweater.
I've spun lots of yarn, mostly I send it to a friend in KY who has an alpaca farm store, she sells it for me.
If you have a color or blend you are looking for I can sure send you some samples. Just tell me what you'd like and I will try to do some up. The price is determined by how much material and labor is involved. I can dye just about any color you want. If you'd like a little wool or silk mixed in, we can do that too.
Thank you so much for the compliments. I still have a bit of yarn at home so if you see something on the blog you like, let me know. My email is
Sue, Merry Christmas to you also. Take care.
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