I got a box and went over to the orchard after I finished feeding our goats and chickens. It had rained pretty hard in the night and continued all day yesterday but it was only misting lightly when I went into the orchard. The trees were dripping from the rain and the smell of wet earth, wet forest and sweet fruit was nearly overwhelming. It was quiet as usual except for the clucking of the chickens and occasional drop of a ripe apple.
These are Red Delicious apples. We love fresh apples, but mostly they are sliced and dried at our house so we can still enjoy the taste long into winter and next spring. We even had a house guest one time that loved them so much she ate an entire gallon bag in just a few days. We have so many already on the ground that are ready to eat and hope to get the rest off the tree this weekend.
There is one little apple on the top right with a yellow spot that is from a different tree. Usually they are not as good as the red delicious, but this year they are wonderful. Sweet and juicy. Since we don't use any pesticides here you get an occasional little tiny bug spot, but for the most part they are perfect and beautiful.
Speaking of goats, here is our cute little Smoky begging for a dried yellow

The picture on the right is that beautiful full moon we had last week. We were on our way to a volleyball game and this picture was taken from the car.
I love the way the clouds look like long fingers reaching for the moon.
I feel at peace just reading about your days. Ah. Thank you. I needed that. :)
You should come on up here Sue. We were out picking more apples most of today. Cool, damp, overcast ... made it seem so snuggly and warm when we went back up to the house. Even my two girls were there, one picking up the ones that fell on the ground, the other sitting in a chair tossing the picked ones into boxes. She is feeling well with her broken hip healing nicely now. Fun Fun Fun!!
Ah, I wish I could come up there! But, alas, my traveling days are over (unless I have someone to help me). I'm pretty much homebound these days.
We are supposed to get snow today (Oct 31). It's too soon!!
Happy Halloween to all of you! Hope Val is continuing to heal comfortably!
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