The picture was taken yesterday while the sun was out. Today is cloudy and darker, glad I got my camera out when I did.
Today is the third day of snow. And I hear we are only at the beginning of the next big storm. The animals are remaining in the barns and won't even venture out unless I walk the pasture first and make a path for them. I don't remember in 32 years seeing this much snow. We already have over our normal amount and have lots of winter left. I'm almost out of energy logs (big presto-type logs) so tomorrow I will venture out and try to find some. I bought 3 cords of good firewood last year but sold the stove I had, now the new stove is too small for the wood. Oh well.
I've been playing with getting the new warp on the loom. Its taking me longer than I thought it would, but I keep getting interrupted by lunch / naps / feeding animals and people. I can't wait to weave a couple inches to see how it will look with the taupe warp I bought with it.
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